And how are the children … in Liberia

Supporting education and smiles.

One visit to an orphanage in Liberia, West Africa changed the life of our founder, Kimberly Harrington. Since then, she has been on a mission to help children in orphanages in Liberia with basic school supplies, computers, bikes and Christmas toys. The goal is simple: to put smiles on the faces of hopeful young children by providing resources to help them succeed.

Meet Hakim

The inspiration behind the movement can be founded in one singular person, Sando Warner, aka Hakim Harrington. When our founder visited Liberia for the first time, one of her goals before leaving was to visit an orphanage in hopes of connecting with a child to adopt. The director of All Saints International lined up all of the eligible children under a shade tree and told her to choose one. This process was startling to say the least, but as she scanned the faces of the children, one resembled her father. His name was Sando. He is shown in the left photo. Click here to learn about his journey to America as he heads to study at a historically black college in North Carolina.

Christmas in Africa

Since 2019, HOLLA! Africa has sponsored Christmas at All Saints International Orphanage in Liberia, supplying school supplies, book bags, books, bikes, clothes and toys. Donations are accepted throughout the year and items are shipped in late October.


We are one species, all descendants of the same original humans, all brothers and sisters. Our differences are mostly an illusion.
— Robert Greene

“God empowered you to come here to make it the best Christmas ever.”

— Mr. Mulbah, All Saints Orphanage Director, 2019


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
